Frequently asked questions about MIRTUX


  • Our store

  • How can I purchase?

    To buy a product, you will have access to the category of your Robot and click on "Add to cart". Once added, you can access this and proceed to enter your address and payment details. After this you will receive a confirmation email and we will quickly process your order.

  • Do I have to register to be able to buy in MIRTUX?

    Of course not! If you want to make a quick purchase as a guest, there is no problem. You'll also have all the details of your purchase and you'll be fully protected. Even so, if you want to save your address and receive exclusive offers, you can choose to register.

  • How can I contact you?

    We will be happy to respond to all your inquiries by email, so you do not have to contact us from the contact section. We will answer you in less than 24 hours and our main interest is to help you with any question or issue.

  • Our products

  • What is the quality of your products?

    The quality of our compatible products for Roomba is excellent. We don't just rate of defects and the feedback from our customers is very good. When you try one of our spare parts you will be surprised at the quality.
    Even so, if you want to buy a pack of original spare parts, we also have a wide range at a very competitive price. On the other hand the Roomba robot and its parts are completely original.

  • Do you sell original spare parts?

    Yes we offer them, its price is also very competitive. You do not have more than access to your Roomba series and select the category of original.

  • The parts come from where? What quality do you have?

    Sí los ofrecemos, además su precio es muy competitivo. No tienes más que acceder a la serie de tu Roomba y seleccionar la categoría de originales.

  • ¿Where do the pieces come from and what quality do they have?

    The parts are the same that carries your Roomba series, are original unless we expressly indicate that it is a compatible piece. The official supplie, gives them so you can be quiet in terms of their quality and authenticity.

  • User account

  • How do I register my user account?

    The quickest way is to proceed to add products you are interested to cart and at the time of the payment, click on "Enter a custom password", with it you can access later. You can also click on the section "My account" in the top section and create it by entering your email address.

  • I have forgotten my password, how do you recover it?

    Don't worry, it's easy. On the home page look for the top menu where it says "My account". Once inside, on the right side you will see a link called "Have you forgotten your password?". Now you only have to enter your email account and you will receive the a link to reset your password.

  • How can I change my address or other account information?

    From your account, you can modify your current address or include new ones. If you want to modify some other data like email, contact us through the contact form and we will help you gladly.

  • How can I delete my user account?

    Write to us using the contact form indicating your registered email and we... will remove it completely and no questions asked! Even so, if you have doubts about if going to use, you can simply leave it unused, not assume any problem.

  • Deliveries

  • What price have the expenses of shipping and how long does it take?

    It depends on the country in which you reside, there will be a shipping cost and estimated delivery time. We have prepared a table so that you can consult here

  • Still have not received my order, what can I do?

    Quiet, as normal is that there is a slight delay in shipping and have it immediately. Checks in the previous link shipping times to ensure that it has exceeded the usual time (remember that they are open weekdays and weekends do not count). If so, contact us and we will be happy to help you and provide you with all the necessary information, our main interest is to help you.

  • How can I see the State of my current order and other orders?

    From your account you can view all orders you have made history and view its status. You can also consult the emails received, since whenever the order change of State you will be notified to the provided email account. If you not registered user account, this last form will be the way to check it

  • Payment

  • What payment methods can I use?

    You can pay for your order in three ways: credit card, Paypal or bank transfer, in the latter case we will give you all the payment details automatically after completing your order.

  • Is secure payment? Are you legit?

    For the payment, managed through the corresponding payment (Redsys for cards and Paypal in the other case) platform, in addition our store has Certificate SSL security, so you can be completely quiet.
    As for us, we have spent years selling in Europe and we are a store of guarantees and confidence. As a customer, you can have the peace of mind that we will make a great effort so that you are satisfied.